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Clyfford Still Museum
Clyfford Still Museum
A man points down at a partially unrolled painted canvas on a table
A family looks at colorful abstract art in a gallery while a young boy raises his arms up in the air
Photo by James Dewhirst


Help Us Provide Art for All

Your support enables us to share the extraordinary gift of Clyfford Still’s art. Together, we can preserve and care for Still’s iconic works, create vibrant exhibitions, and offer inclusive programs that engage and inspire visitors of all ages. Whether you choose a one-time or monthly donation, you can direct your contribution to the areas that matter most to you—collections care, exhibitions, learning programs, or general operations.

We are deeply grateful to be among the causes you’re considering this year and would be honored to help you craft a giving plan that reflects your philanthropic vision. To explore ways to give, please reach out to our development team at donate@clyffordstillmuseum.org.

Give Online Now


Other Ways to Give

Outright Gifts

Outright gifts may be made in the form of cash, appreciated securities, or other forms of real or personal property.

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-Advised Funds allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction and then recommend grants from the fund over time.

Many Clyfford Still Museum supporters choose to make gifts through a variety of DAF providers. Clients of BNY Mellon, Fidelity Charitable and Schwab Charitable can make a designation through the DAF Direct window on this page.

Gifts of Real Estate or Tangible Personal Property

Many donors find that gifts of real estate or tangible personal property best advance their larger philanthropic planning goals. These gifts are valued at the appraised market value on the date the property is transferred.

Colorado Gives

Support the Clyfford Still Museum on Colorado Gives Day in December or anytime throughout the year on the Museum’s page on ColoradoGives.org.

ReFUND Colorado

Coloradans can give all or part of their state income tax refund directly to the Clyfford Still Museum through a program called reFUND Colorado. It’s simple: Enter ‘Clyfford Still Museum’ and our registration number ‘20073004792’ in the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line on your state tax return or tax software – or give just give this info to your tax preparer when you share your tax documents.

ReFUND CO What Matters to You lgoo


You can also make your gift to the Museum through a multi-year pledge, payable over a period not exceeding five years. Gifts to the capital campaign may be made this way and combined with gifts for general operating support.

Bequests, Charitable Trusts, and Other Planned Gift Techniques

Gifts may be made through a will, charitable trust, life insurance policy, or beneficiary designation in a retirement plan. Estate commitments such as these provide donors the opportunity to make significant charitable contributions to the museum while taking advantage of current tax incentives and meeting the future needs of their families.

Corporate Partners

Our Corporate Partnership Program offers a number of opportunities for businesses large or small can support the Museum. Opportunities include general support as well as sponsorship of an exhibition, program, or event. All Corporate Partners receive benefits including brand visibility, employee and client engagement opportunities, and access to the Museum through special membership and admission offers. For more information please contact us at donate@clyffordstillmuseum.org.

King Soopers Community Rewards Program


The King Soopers Community Rewards Program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your card to the Clyfford Still Museum, all you have to do is shop at King Soopers and swipe your Shopper’s Card. Enroll today!

Contact Us

For inquiries, please contact our development department at donate@clyffordstillmuseum.org.

The Clyfford Still Museum is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax I.D. # 86-1147083. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.