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Black, red, yellow, and green lines and squiggles on a piece of orange construction paper
Clyfford Still, PP-1394, 1979 (detail). Pastel on paper, 12 x 18 in. Clyfford Still Museum. Denver, CO. © City and County of Denver / ARS, NY

Día del Niño Activity: How are you feeling?

This Día del Niño and throughout April, the Clyfford Still Museum will share line-inspired activities you can do from home using materials you already have!

How are you feeling?

Use lines and color to describe your feelings.

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Your favorite coloring and drawing supplies
  1. Begin by closing your eyes, take a deep breath in and out, and ask yourself, “How am I feeling today?”
  2. Now open your eyes and imagine if your feelings or emotions were lines, shapes, and colors. What would your feelings look like? (For example, today I feel like a bright yellow and orange blob-maybe it’s kind of glowing a bit, because I feel excited for Día del Niño).
  3. Draw or sketch on paper how you are feeling.
  4. Describe your ideas. How did you decide which colors, shapes, and lines to create?

¿Cómo te sientes?

Usa líneas y colores para describir tus sentimientos.

Materiales necesarios:

  • Papel
  • Tus materiales preferidos para dibujar o colorear
  1. Para empezar, cierra los ojos, inhala y exhala profundamente y pregúntate: “¿Cómo me siento hoy?”
  2. Ahora, abre los ojos e imagina que tus sentimientos o emociones son líneas, formas y colores. ¿Cómo lucirían tus sentimientos? (Por ejemplo, hoy me siento como una mancha amarilla y naranja brillante, quizás un poco brillante, porque estoy emocionado por el Día del Niño).
  3. Dibuja o haz un boceto en papel sobre cómo te sientes.

Click on the Clyfford Still artwork to learn more:

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