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clyfford still | museum

Stay connected! Experience a virtual tour or explore our online collection

During the temporary closure, we encourage you to experience Clyfford Still’s vibrant works online and explore more than 2,500 pieces in our online collection. Explore the slow-looking feature by clicking on an artwork, then click on the eye icon. This relaxing full-screen immersive experience will slowly show your chosen image in detail. It takes a few rejuvenating minutes to complete and is best enjoyed without distractions.

Online Collection screenshot

Peruse our works on paper exhibition catalog. The sheer volume (more than 2,300) and variety of Still’s works on paper reveal the centrality of drawing within his lifelong creative process. Over six decades, Still explored (and showed considerable mastery of) the entire range of drawing media—graphite, charcoal, pastel, crayon, pen and ink, oil paint, gouache, and tempera on paper—as well as the printmaking techniques of lithography, etching, woodcut, and silkscreen.

Works on Paper online catalog

Experience a collection highlights exhibition at the Museum through an interactive 360 degree virtual tour through Google Arts & Culture.

Google Arts & Culture virtual tour

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