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Clyfford Still Museum
Clyfford Still Museum
Screenshot from a virtual event with a large red abstract painting and an educator in a thumbnail image next to it
Screenshot from the Virtual Family Tour
Clyfford Still, PH-1062, 1951 (Detail). Oil on canvas, 114 3/4 x 161 1/2 in. Clyfford Still Museum, Denver, CO. © City and County of Denver / ARS, NY

Virtual Family Tour: Feel Your Feelings

Play, create, and explore on a virtual interactive family tour designed for children ages 5-10 and their caregivers. The theme for this tour is mindfulness. Get in touch with your breath and your feelings, move your body in response to Still’s paintings, and connect to the expressive artist inside. Every tour features looking, games, movement, and opportunities to connect with other participants. This is a recording of a live virtual tour that took place on July 17, 2020.

Skills we practiced today:

  • Making connections to our environment and family culture
  • Sharing our ideas and interpretations with our family and the whole group
  • Making observations and using art language
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Self regulation; taking turns
  • Creative thinking

Check out more of Clyfford Still’s artwork.

Some videos about mindfulness:


  • A Handful of Quiet, by Tich Nhat Hanh
  • Breathe Like a Bear, by Kira Wiley
  • Hurry Up, by Kate Dpoirak
  • I Can Do Hard Things: Mindful Affirmations for Kids, by Gabi Garcia
  • Yo Puedo Hacer Cosas Difíciles: Afirmaciones Conscientes Para Niños, by Gabi Garcia
  • What does it mean to be Present?, by Rana DiOrio


Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Pencil or pen
  • Markers, colored pencils, crayons, or another coloring tool
  1. Take a piece of paper and make swirls and scribbles. You could experiment with making big round lines, straight jagged lines, or closing your eyes and scribbling randomly.
  2. When you feel like you have enough lines and spaces on your paper, take your coloring tools and color inside the shapes you made with your swirling line.
  3. You could also make patterns and designs inside the shapes.
  4. While you work, be mindful of your breathing, your emotions, and your reactions to your artwork.

Mindfulness Wand: A magical colorful wand to help you with mindful breathing. Materials Needed:

  • Paper towel or toilet paper roll
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Coloring tools, stickers, or paint
  • Ribbon, streamers, or thin strips of paper
  1. Cut about an inch off of the toilet paper or paper towel roll.
  2. Cut a straight line up the side of the roll, then re-roll your cardboard into a tighter, thinner handle for your wand. Tape around the top and bottom to secure.
  3. Decorate the wand with paint, markers, stickers, or whatever you have.
  4. Tape strands of thin ribbon, streamers, or paper along the inside of the small ring you cut off earlier.
  5. Tape the ring on top of the thinner roll to make the wand. 6. Take in a bid deep breath and then breathe out through the wand-watch the ribbons dance and fly with your breath!

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